If you know how to treat a girl rightyou'll have her on your arm before you expect it. It's a process; just make some progress: don't press for any specific goal. Unreasonable pressure is intimidating and may make you seem rude and thoughtless. You should be kind,nice,gentle and sweet thoughtful, but not just flattering--learn how here--and see what else you find helpful in this section.

1. It's all about confidence! Maintain the attitude that she is lucky that you like her (make sure you are making her laugh)--and if she doesn't see that she is lucky--well, there are plenty of girls who will. If you are not that confident, or you are shy, you should work on this dilemma by trying the ideas with some girls who are not your special crush. Learn the process with some nice girls who are friendly, and are not too scary. While you should make her feel lucky, DO NOT talk down to her, as if you're too good for her. That will cause an imbalance and it probably won't go well.

2.Work up to that special one when you have had some good results with this process (and feel like it). Having butterflies in your large intestine, and a catch or shake in your voice is fine; just don't give up or fall back just because it makes you feel shaky: that is actually a sign that she is impressive to you--tell her that she impresses you if you want to. Be prepared to tell "what and why" you notice her (to show that you mean it),

3. Compliment her: Tell her she has a beautiful smile or beautiful eyes, but do not say something that is not true. And--don't say them one after the other! (It is highly recommended that you must talk about other things before complimenting or else it feels awkward)

4. Girls like it when boys try to defend them when someone makes fun of them or threatens them. However, in other settings like a workplace or college, these things would rarely occur.

5. In most cases, if you pick on her and pretend you hate her, then she will never like you. She'll think that you do not like her, so she won't like you.

6. Girls feel at home when you talk to them honestly and openly, so try doing that.

7.Honesty really helps the relationship.

8.NEVER say to a girl that she is hot, it might make her very uncomfortable--like an object; say she is pretty or beautiful instead.

9. Give her your phone number, MySpace, IM, etc. when you know each other well enough.

10. If she asks if she looks bad or silly, say no, no matter what you think. Never pause and think though that makes her think your lying

11. Try not to wander into talking about sports or hobbies right off the bat--these are things that you may feel passionately about, yet she may not be interested in, creating an awkwardly one-sided conversation. Try finding a neutral zone to talk about what kinds and why she likes movies, cars, foods, animals--see which ones of those she likes, ask "how" or "why not," etc.--and school, her friends (mostly) or straight music (not really weird stuff) or anything like that. Just let her set the pace and get her started and you listen closely. Listen twice as much as you talk. Show an interest in her interests--ask questions--like "who or what", when and where, "how or why"--but don't interrogate her like a spy--or like it is a fill-in-the-blank test. Be casual about it. Let it work, let if sorta flow naturally, from one thing to another. Ask about things that you like, but not to just argue! Don't be too picky (hard to get along with) or too silly (and don't grin too much, ). Be more natural, relax a little, but lean toward her a little bit, and be open to her ideas, to show interest.

12. As a last tip, try not to act desperate! Acting desperate may freak her out. As soon as you start acting desperate, just walk away.

13. When you're alone with a girl and she wants to be kissed, she will make eye contact and then move her gaze briefly down to your lips. She will then move her eyes back up to meet yours and smile demurely. She probably won't be really obvious about it, so you have to look for it without being really weird.

1. A note about affection: it's good to start small, with a nudge or high five. After a few days or so you can give a full on hug! Then after 2 weeks you can give a hug from the back, if she's comfortable with it.

2. Remember this: Do not just come out and openly say that you like her because that would put her in an awkward position and the results might not be what you want them to be. Ask her, "What color are my eyes?" in a soft nice voice. To maintain eye contact look one eye and then the other (repeatedly) instead of staring.

3. Give her a real compliment and tell her why--not a list--girls don't like too many compliments; it starts to freak them out. A guy will become the total opposite of a crush if he is too much of a fake and seems as if he is just doing a "job" on them. Be slow, cool and calm about it. Laid back--but not like you don't mean it.

4. Say "Hi" in the hallway, if you happen to walk by her. This will tell you whether or not she wants to say hi by her facial expression.

5. If she looks like she would say hi back, then go for it. But if she doesn't, try another time.

6. Be friendly, but do not crowd her.

7. When you smile at a girl it makes her feel great.

8. After making friendly conversation with her, try holding her hand or maybe hugging her. You don't want to go too fast, though. Make sure you only go as far as she wants to.

9. If you want to Be a Good Boyfriend then help out with things, bags for example and things that she may find heavy, but if she says she doesn't want help, then don't.

10. Most girls have very good connections and news spreads around very fast, if you are at all mean or disrespectful, you will be in the bad books for a while.

Things that girls loves To talk
a) let her tell you stories. When she does DON'T TRY TO BEAT IT. If you have a similar story share it, but not in a competitive way.

b) To be important: make things about her, and keep talking about what she wants.

c)To be protected: But be careful with this, because it isn't your job. Don't go overboard and act as if she is yours, she is a person and wishes to be treated like one, not like meat. Let her know that you care without calling in the Secret Service. Be careful, more independent girls might resent this.

11. If you get scared, well you shouldn't be scared. Make sure you don't look too shabby or she'll think you're a loser.

12. If you don't think she'll like you, still try because just talking to her after a while might make her change her mind about you.

13. Always give her a stare--not at her body; that's a creepy stare
but stare at her face and eyes to make her think you like her, and when she thinks you like her then she may start having feelings for you.

14. If a girl looks at the clock she either wants to know the time or is really bored so get to know her enough to learn which is which.

1.If the girl doesn't like you and SHE says it, don't keep pressuring her, you'll look like a stalker.

2. If she tells you, don't say "It's your loss."

3. Also remember that each girl is different - therefore, there is no specific set of steps to magically get all girls you like to like you The reason she likes you is because she likes you for who you are. So just be yourself; no one likes a poser.

4. When giving a girl compliments, make sure not to over-do it. Tell her you like her.

5. If she looks at you a lot, she may like you, but she also may be looking to see if you like her, so don't take it the wrong way, You might casually ask her who she is hanging out with if you are not in many of her classes, or if you share a couple of friends that are in a few of her classes, but not many of yours, then ask her about them. If she talks about someone often, then she probably does not like you that way, but thinks of them that way instead.

6. The worst thing you can do is get too attached during this whole process. Even if it seems like a sure chance that she'll take you doesn't necessarily mean you guys are getting married so don't make her regret it! If you get too attached it'll only hurt you more if she decides to break up with you for any reason.

7. If you do make it to the stage of a relationship, don't act like you're married! Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you're the main guy in her life, it takes time to build up, in a way sort of like starting over, so keep your cool but show her she's stepped up a couple in your rank of close people.

8. If she tries avoiding you, or it seems like it, try and back off a little bit and see if she avoids you less often. If she keeps avoiding you, then you should try finding someone different, because she probably doesn't want to be yours.

9. If you make the mistake of talking to her forthe first Time over a web chat or email, DO NOT PANIC if she seems creeped out. She is just surprise you're finally talking, and even more surprised it's online. There still might be a chance you can have her, just do as you'd normally do and talk to her as if it never happened. If she's uncomfortable, back off until she settles down again. Dont freak out if you hear that she's going out with a guy;it may be just a rumor!

posted from Bloggeroid

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